Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009


Why do I like blue colour? This question arose out of the blue, when I was sitting on a stool in the corner of school courtyard yesterday.

I looked at the blue sky that noon. The sky was clear, and it was a bright day. Once again, the blue colour came into question, as I remembered the sea. Unexpectedly, my mind was full of the image of blue sky and blue sea met in the horizon. New simple questions arose again, sparkling in my mind, bring me to the answer.

From the sky and sea, I know that blue is a colour of our limitedness in front of the Infinite. The real blue still saves the flickering stars, pearls, and any mysterious and precious things to be found.

Sky and sea, what is the true colour of you? When I just can see the blue, is that the real of you?

3 komentar:

  1. Expect the unexpected, in a deep blue sea, in a high blue sky, and in this mysterious blue blog!

  2. Why do I like... mmm... What? Blue color? Oh! Why did you not just ask me that? I'd be giving you a vague answer then... :-D Since I do love blue too....

  3. no worth but love in the life..the highest thing in your life is the lowest one you can see..


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